In my Western Civilization class, our teacher gave us a pop quiz. One of the questions was: "What were the Jews called when they were in exile?" At first I didn't know what to put, so I thought about it for a moment. Then the first thing that came to my head was "Hebrews." But no, I thought. That seemed too simple. So I wrote down "Israelites" instead.
The last question he asked was a bonus question. "How old am I?" The first thing that came into my mind was: 38. But no, I thought. He has a little bit of gray in his hair, so I thought that perhaps he was older. I wrote down 45.
Well guess what. The Jews in exile were called Hebrews! And my teacher is 38!
Gah! Yeah I was a little bit mad at myself. So here is my goal or resolution or whatever you want to call it. I am now going to start listening to my instincts. I am going to stop second guessing myself, and I will observe what happens when I do those two things. It's an experiment of sorts. I can't wait to see how it goes.
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